A double chin describes the excess fat under the chin and jawline (submental fat) that can give the look of two chins.
It is often associated with weight gain, however it can also be seen with weight loss due to skin laxity issues, as well as genetics.
As we age, our jawline can being to sag, causing a jowled, saddened appearance as well as the development of extra submental fat. This fat can be hard to shift purely through diet and exercise. This sagging effect gradually worsens with age due to the effects of gravity, loss of collagen and elastin in the skin causing laxity as well as the loss of structural support for the skin cause the lower face to sag.

When treating ageing, sun protection is utilised as the primary method of prevention and treatment.
The use of other cosmeceutical products including Vitamin C, Retinol and AHAs may be recommended in conjunction to treatment. Our in clinic treatments strive to induce collagen and elastin production and restore volume loss. As ageing presents differently in each person we often opt to create a multi-modality treatment plan to ensure long term results and prevent further damage.
Every new patient of Skin Scan requires a full cosmetic consultation that includes clinical photography and skin and medical assessment based on your concern and expectation. Your current skin care will be reviewed and your practitioner will tailor a treatment and at home care plan that is specific to you. If necessary, our cosmetic doctor may prescribe prescription medication.