Many people suffer from redness in the skin over their lifetime. It can cause emotional and social difficulties but with patience can be managed successfully.

One of the most common skin conditions that causes redness, facial flushing and visible capillaries is called Rosacea. It is an inflammatory skin condition affecting the face and is thought to be genetic, however the cause is still to be determined.
People with rosacea often find that flares in the skin can be trigged by lifestyle factors including diet, alcohol, hot and spicy foods, stress, smoking and heat. Rosacea has no cure currently, so understanding triggers and regular treatments are essential to manage its progression
Rosacea generally presents as a damaged capillary network, redness and inflammatory lesions (acne like pustules) that occur on the cheeks, nose and forehead. The small capillaries on the surface give the appearance of permanent flushing. It often occurs between the ages of 30 and 50 with facial redness the first sign. Symptoms generally worsen with age and in some cases thickening of the skin across the mid face and nose can be seen.
When treating pigmentation and melasma, treatment is specifically tailored to ensure long term results. This often means we opt to create a multi-modality treatment plan.
Every new patient of Skin Scan requires a full cosmetic consultation that includes clinical photography and skin and medical assessment based on your concern and expectation. Your current skin care will be reviewed and your practitioner will tailor a treatment and at home care plan that is specific to you. If necessary, our cosmetic doctor may prescribe prescription medication.